As it shows in my profile.. I am a designer.. and to be more specific I am a passionate designer specialized in motion graphics and screen design for film and TV.

Two years ago I left my job, sold my car, collect every fils in my bank account & left my family to a whole new world to me to do my master studies in UK. Unfortunately, my move happened to be with beginning with the world rescission! and this was the beginning of the decline in my life...

Although my time in UK was considered a success in every possible way.. the phase followed was the darkest time ever! since my graduation in last October I failed to find a job because I am over qualified (which means over paid o ma 7ada bedo yedfa3 aslan ) or I am not the nationality they are looking for or .. or...

yet, al7amdolillah, I did not lose hope and I am still trying to work on myself from time to time hoping that one day I will find who can appreciate my work and passion someday.. hopefully soon..